Poker With John Starks.

I was a huge fan of the New York Knicks during their successful run throughout the 1990’s.  If you’ll recall, those teams were led by Patrick Ewing and an unlikely supporting cast which Pat Riley (and later Jeff Van Gundy) cobbled together and crafted into a cohesive unit.  Today, those teams are usually remembered for never quite getting over the hump–Michael Jordan (or, during God’s brief retirement, some other circumstance) always got in the way.  However, I personally remember those teams for their consistent tenacity, incredible toughness and unrelenting spirit.  And I fondly remember how they gave their fans a long playoff run each and every year, without fail.

Although Ewing was the star of those Knick teams, no player was more emblematic of what those teams stood for than John Starks.  His unlikely rise from obscurity to the NBA spotlight was partially orchestrated by Riley but was made possible only by his own fierce determination.  That same determination was on display in every game he played.  Starks had boundless energy on the court.  Seemingly always matched up on defense with the opposing team’s leading scorer (frequently Jordan or Reggie Miller), he spent half the game imposing Riley’s defensive mantra:  tirelssly chasing down and pestering the opposing team’s shooting guard.  And on the offensive end, Starks was the Knicks’ unquestioned second option.  A shooter who lacked a conscience, Starks was totally fearless.  He took big shots:  threes that he’d pop off the dribble, pull-up jumpers, kamikaze drives to the rack.  Ask anyone about Starks’ game and you’ll always get one of two answers:  “John Starks had a big heart,” or “John Starks had big balls.”  Both are serious basketball compliments.

Today, Starks runs a charity for underprivileged inner city children.  When, back in December, I was asked to be a guest speaker at the First Annual John Starks Charity Casino Night, I happily agreed.  The event took place last night at the Marriot Marquis in Times Square and I had a blast.  It was situated in a ballroom which had a casino setup, and the casino had a couple of Texas Hold’ Em tables.   I gave a short beginner’s tutorial on how to play hold ’em to the assembled poker players, and when I finished up, it was time to play.  Two one-table shootouts were contested.  All the players seemed to have a great time, espeically John Starks, who loves poker.  En route to winning it, John stacked a couple of players early in the second shootout and was quite pleased with himself!

I want to thank Jennifer Alpert for inviting me to last night’s event and for allowing my family to attend.  I also want to thank my friend Lee Herman for making my participation possible.  It was a lot of fun to share my passion for poker with some new faces.

For me personally, the experience was really positive beacuse it gave me a fresh perspective on my job.  When I’m immersed in the daily grind, I completely lose sight of how different, how challenging and how exciting my life is.  Last night allowed me to take a much-needed step back to take stock of who I am.  At the charity event, fliers were distributed sharing my attorney-to-poker pro story and listing some of my accomplishments, both of which I recounted at the start of my tutorial.  People seemed genuinely fascinated.  And during my unscripted speech, I found that I was really connecting with those who were listening to me describe the ins-and-out of basic hold ’em.  It reminded me of how much I love the game, and it reminded me of how lucky I am to be making a living playing it.           

Here are a few good shots of me at the event (note the flowing locks).  All three photos are courtesy of

Starks Foundation 1  Starks Foundation 2  Starks Foundation 3

6 thoughts on “Poker With John Starks.

  1. It was my pleasure D. I’m glad you had a good time.
    As for the Knicks and John Starks who could forget “the dunk”.
    I happened to be lucky enough to be at that game. The intensity in that building is something I don’t think I will ever experience again. The crowd chanting…dah duh “defense!!” dah duh “defense!!” so loud you could’nt hear yourself chanting and this was during warm ups! I did’nt think a group of people could be that loud until Starks dunked over Jordan. I was screaming so loud I could’nt talk the next day. Truely an amazing momement in Knicks history and in playoff Basketball.

    The John Starks story is truely amazing. Two months removed from bagging groceries and with a horrible speech problem, Starks got a chance at a dream and he made the most of it. He was’nt perfect but he played with heart and determination every night. He wanted to win, wanted to make that big shot and did it with class and guts that no one will ever deny. John Starks will always be a very popular Knick and its damm hard to please the toughest fans in basketball

    Now……………. if we could only make todays Knicks play that hard.

  2. It was SUCH a fun night, david!! You didn’t mention that I was your best student. After listening to your tutorial, i played in my first ever poker tournament and came in third out of ten. Uh-oh … now i got the poker bug 😉

  3. John Starks is the only professional athlete in recent memory that played in one of the four major sports that had either an absolutely horrid game or games for a championship and was never viewed negatively by the New York fans. He will always hold a special place in the hearts of Knick fans of the mid to late 90’s.

    Nice pics, btw. 🙂

  4. John Starks is the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life. I loved his games since I was a child, and I love him since I became a woman

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